Large Boucherouite Rug

Large Boucherouite Rug


This gorgeous vintage Boucherouite rug has a complex, almost abstract, composition with an unusual repeat of tiny lozenge symbols to create bands of deep and bold colour, separated by a central chain of lozenge motifs. The lively palette includes mauve, olive green, electric blue, turquoise, red, sky blue and black. Created using fine and fluffy threads from repurposed textiles. it is in lovely condition with some gentle wear

Size: 2.30m plus long fringe by 1.50m at its widest (the rug is narrower at one end )

Reference: CA9003

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EU £15

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Boucherouite Rug

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Large Graphic Boucherouite Rug

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Boucherouite Rug

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Boucherouite Runner

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Large Boucherouite Rug
